How to simplify corporate training video production

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Video content might be the most effective way to reach audiences today. With videos, you can visually convey your message in a way that is easy to consume and entertaining. Organizations today are using this medium for all types of purposes. If you’re not, you might be losing out on engagement or worse, not getting your message across.

What is a corporate video?

A corporate video is any video made for a specific business purpose. Corporate videos can be for external purposes, such as communicating with customers, or they can be internal to provide content to employees.

They are a great way to share information and explain complex concepts in an interesting way. Corporate videos can inform and entertain while evoking emotion and connection with a brand or concept.

When to use corporate videos

There are so many use cases when corporate videos can be useful. Here are a few examples of how corporate videos can be used for customers and for employees.

Corporate videos for customers

  • Brand awareness: Corporate videos are a great way to introduce your brand to customers. using brand videos you can explain your mission and why your company is uniquely positioned to accomplish this.
  • Corporate values: Customers support companies that share their values. You might use a video to explain your commitment to values such as sustainability, diversity, or whatever else you might share with your customers.
  • Product explainers: It’s much easier for people to understand a product if they see it. Explaining and showing the product in a video makes it easier for customers to understand how it works and how it might benefit them.
  • How-to instructions: The best way to teach someone how to use something is to show them. A visual How To guide (a.k.a tutorial video) ensures your customers won’t get confused or frustrated when they finally hold your product in their hands.
  • Client testimonials: When others say your product or service is great, that’s more convincing than if you say it. Client testimonials show that your product or service is proven and help clients imagine how they can benefit from it.
  • Onboarding: Once someone becomes a customer, you want to ensure their satisfaction. Using onboarding videos allows onboarding them with detailed instructions to make sure they get the most out of their purchase.
explainer video new feature announcement

Corporate videos for employees

  • Orientation: New employees need to be set up for success. A good orientation helps them get situated and learn the ropes so they will become valuable team members.
  • Company culture: It’s important to maintain a positive company culture for a productive work environment. A corporate video can remind employees of your core values and help them achieve your objectives.
  • Policies and procedures: Handbooks are daunting and often never looked at. A corporate video explaining policies and procedures in an interesting way increases adherence and prevents liabilities.
  • Company benefits: Why should people work for you? Aside from salary, you offer other benefits that are essential for employees to understand. Employees who know their benefits have higher morale and may feel more appreciated. 
  • Employee development and training: Teaching your company about new products, features, technologies, or processes you’ve developed or adopted can be a huge undertaking. Corporate videos allow employees to learn and absorb at their convenience.

The evolution of creating corporate videos

Corporate training video production has evolved significantly in recent years. It used to require creating or renting a studio, hiring actors and animators, and using expensive editing equipment to develop concise clips. One video could have taken weeks, if not months, to create. While this process surely created impressive corporate videos, it is a big hassle and expensive.

AI video production

Generative AI technology now allows organizations to make corporate videos in minutes. All you need is a script and a computer, and you can create visually appealing videos with authentic AI avatars that can recite your script and present your video in an interesting and entertaining way. This development makes it easy for companies to scale their video operations and means your organization has no excuse not to have a robust and interesting video library.

Corporate training video production example

If you’ve watched any recent corporate videos, you likely saw generative AI in action even if you didn’t realize it. For example, check out our employee onboarding video! This video gives new employees a high-level overview of what to expect when working at Hour One, including some basic policies and procedures, as well as a little about the company culture. The video is easy to watch, and viewers absorb the information seamlessly.

Interested in seeing more examples? Click here for 5 examples of  generative AI videos 

How to make a corporate video

Making a corporate video with generative AI is simple. Here is a quick step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Create your script

This is the basis for your video. You can create a new script, use one from a previous video, or use generative AI tools like ChatGPT to help you develop one. Your script can be in any language, in fact, it doesn’t even have to be written in the language your video will be in! When you create your video, you can choose to automatically translate it if you want to reach audiences in different languages.

Step 2: Develop your visuals

What will viewers see when they hear your script? You might have a presentation to display or you might want to choose from different pre-made templates depending on your use case. You want your visuals to be engaging to help your message get across.

Step 3: Choose your AI avatar and voice

The voice that reads your script has a huge impact on how your message is perceived, so you’ll need to choose a voice and avatar that speaks to your audience. You want to consider language, accent, dialect, tone, gender, and other aspects that might affect the presentation. The same goes with your avatar, choose one that aligns with the tone of your video. Are you looking for someone professional and authoritative? Or friendly and nurturing? It’s up to you!

Step 4: Edit and customize

You can sit back and let generative AI create your video, but it still might need some tweaks and polishing. Use a video editor to make any changes and add your final touches.

Step 5: Generate your video

Now that your video is ready, what are you going to do with it? You can download it for offline use, share it with a link, or embed it on a web page.

Corporate training video production with Hour One

If you’re looking for a robust tool for corporate training video production, look no further. Hour One is an easy-to-use AI video generator.

With an extensive selection of pre-made templates for many different use cases and hundreds of voices and AI avatars for you to choose from, corporate training video production can be done with minimal work. 

Rather than invest your effort in designing your visuals from scratch, you can choose from our library or 3D templates and edit the templates to fit your brand. Our intuitive plug-and-play editor lets you make changes with just a few clicks. You can select different layouts for each scene, play with the angle, and more! You can also use different ratios and formats to fit your publishing platform.

Hour One can instantly translate your video script and any onscreen text into more than 120 languages and add closed captioning or subtitles to ensure your message is crystal clear no matter your target audience.

If you need to get feedback on a video or work together with team members, our platform allows for co-creation and real-time editing so you can collaborate and ensure your entire team is happy with the results.

We also have an API to help you integrate your AI avatars into your product or service to ensure a seamless experience for our customers.

Make the best impression with your corporate video with Hour One. Watch this tutorial to learn how

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