HR Videos Are Trending, Get Ideas and Templates!

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Video has quietly taken over Human Resources operations in recent years. In the shadows of YouTube Shorts and TikTok Reels used for marketing, the HR video revolution remained under the radar. 

But Human Resources departments have shown astonishing creativity in employing HR videos to reach their goals. Let’s look at some inspiring examples of HR video uses that are super easy to create, help HR save cost and make your life as an HR pro so much easier!

HR videos - What are they?

The employee testimonials companies place on their career pages bear witness that video is more than a passing HR trend. 

Creating videos has become as easy as typing a document. AI video makers such as HourOne offer customizable HR video templates for a whole variety of HR needs. 

You can produce one within minutes and turn it into a multi-language series for a global workforce – all on a budget and without any prior knowledge. There’s no need for special equipment or professional actors. You don’t even need a complex storyboard. 

HR video templates provide a solid foundation to communicate information, instructions, or training on a large scale. Customization options let you tailor them to your brand, create series and personalize as you expand. 

The video trend in HR started shortly after the Corona crisis. HR departments needed to come up with new ideas to communicate with potential and existing employees remotely. Video, however, has always been costly and time-consuming and usually not affordable on an HR budget.

It wasn’t until AI tools entered the scene, and making videos became easy and inexpensive, that video turned into an HR trend. As if HR departments had been waiting for it, videos started popping up everywhere. 

3 Reasons to use HR videos

A lot of HR content is boring but important. Just think, how many employees actually read the fire safety guidelines? And even if they do on their first day of work, how much do they remember after a month?

Here are three reasons why HR videos are useful:

  1. Video speaks to a person on multiple levels: visual, audio, and motion, making even a boring message stick.
  2. Moving images can describe an entire process more vividly than static images. Not to mention the impact of the audio component.
  3. Audiences are used to video content and expect HR videos.

Now, think of all the situations where you as an HR professional need to communicate the same information to all employees. You can replace much of it with video.

The 4 main types of HR videos

There’s a lot of instructing, tutoring and guiding to do in HR. And a lot of the messaging needs to reach entire teams, departments, or even the whole company.

1. HR Training Videos

Without question, the most frequent use of video in HR is for training purposes. Whether you need to teach new employees about the product or help long-time employees boost their soft skills, video makes the task easy.

Using employee training videos opens a whole range of new possibilities. Instead of sending individuals off to expensive external courses, training videos allow you to support skills development internally at a much lower cost.  

HR departments create entire video courses to train employees in sales or customer service best practices. HR training videos are used to enhance teamwork, leadership skills and more soft skills. 

Another use is for general internal education. With the help of video, all employees can learn the ins-and-outs of your product functions and use. You can easily share internal processes and policies with the entire staff via video.  

Examples of HR training videos with templates

  1. Skills training – This video template is perfect for sales training, a tutorial video providing the viewer with key sales techniques – or simply reminding sales reps of best practices. 

2. Productivity tips – How to avoid Zoom fatigue is critical for employees in hybrid work environments. This template helps you share your wisdom on this and similar issues. 

3. Team- and Leadership Development – Help your teams and their leaders continuously improve and excel at their work with professional coaching series.

2. HR Onboarding videos

New hires need a lot of guidance in many areas. That’s what onboarding is all about. Videos can make your life, and that of the new recruits a lot easier. 

You can create a series of “How to…” videos instructing newcomers what to do when they need help. These videos include instructions on how to contact critical departments, such as HR and IT Helpdesk but may also cover more specific areas, like how to fill in an expenses report or request holidays etc. 

Important policies that no one likes to read, but everyone needs to know about are excellent candidates for video content. We’re talking about topics like office safety and fire security guidelines. 

Product tutorials to teach your new employees the essentials of your company’s product(s) have proven to be highly effective. Newbies can learn the use and benefits of all company products in their own time and without the physical presence of a tutor. You can teach new hires anything you consider vital for succeeding in your company, like market insights, best practices or competitor awareness.

Examples of HR onboarding videos with templates

1. Welcome video – Give your new employee an easy start on the first day. Help them find their way through the company by sending them a quick onboarding guide beforehand.

2. Product tutorial – Get new hires up to speed on the product essentials from the start. Give your product tutorial videos an appealing look and quickly create a whole series. 

3. Office safety – Guidelines that every new employee needs to remember are best shared in a video: easy to grasp and always ready for repeated viewing.

3. HR Recruiting & Hiring Videos

This is where the video HR trend becomes fun! These videos are more about getting attention and engagement than about providing information. You aren’t tutoring anyone, you primarily want to attract or introduce.  

Recruitment video ads have become increasingly popular with HR professionals and job seekers alike. 

In the next recruitment phase, you can give candidates instructions for home assignments via video and explain the hiring process. Sharing company values and culture is a great way to answer questions every candidate contemplates.

Once you’ve hired a new person, you want to introduce them to the relevant co-workers and vice versa. The simplest way to do that is to do it through a short video featuring the new hire and let them say a few words about themselves. 

You can even create a dedicated database of introductory videos accessible to everyone in the company. To make things even more easy for the new person, teams can introduce themselves in a team video.   

Examples of Recruiting & Hiring videos with templates

1. Recruitment Ad – you can place a short teaser ad on social and link it to your career page or you can present the entire job description in a video.

2. Home assignment – Save time and effort. Use the video template and simply add the appropriate guidelines for the assignee to it.

3. Welcome new hire – Take a quick video or photo of the new employee and have them say a few words about themselves. Then insert it into this HR video template.

3. Other HR videos

We could go on dividing HR videos into additional categories, but the list would get too long and confusing. But here are some popular HR video uses that we can’t leave out.

Many companies share internal company announcements via video. This can include periodic reports and internal updates about staff and policy changes. Also, product feature updates can quickly be shared across the company using video.

Another HR trend in video use is to make performance assessment smoother. You can use video in different stages of the process, preferably for reviews and feedback. 

Circling back to recruitment videos, as you might expect, these are great for sharing on social media. But to be seen on Social Networks, you need to show ongoing activity on a platform. That’s why HR teams come up with more creative ideas for social media videos. “What it’s like to work with us” is one such popular type.  

Examples of other HR videos with templates

1. Announcement – Create a quick announcement about important news and updates with this new feature announcement template.

2. Performance assessment – Lighten your workload and give the recurring communication tasks to the AI video creator. Edit and share as needed.

3. Social – Make sure you stay top of mind even when you’re not hiring, stay engaged with HR videos for TikTok, Instagram, and other social networks.

Start making HR videos with Hour One

You can get all these and more templates with Hour One. Instead of putting a job description or an office guideline in writing, you can feed it to an AI avatar who presents it in a more sociable manner and with a professionally designed layout.

Don’t have a script? No problem, let the Script Wizard generate one for you. Based on your instructions, Hour One’s AI language generator will write a script for your video. You can edit and change it as you like. 

If necessary, have your video translated into different languages, add subtitles, and then download and share it with whoever needs to see the content. HR video creation will quickly become a routine task, that’s how simple it is. Why not try it out for yourself right now? 

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