Bertliz saved one full year of internal employee time and produced 20,000 videos with Hour One

150-year-old Berlitz has long been established as the world’s premier provider of language training and cross-cultural services.


Videos produced


Translations instant AI


Full year of internal time saved


Custom Assets

The Challenge


Berlitz was founded over 150 years ago and is well-established as the world’s premier provider of language training and cross-cultural services. The company offers a range of language and culture courses for adults, kids, teens, and businesses training courses.

Berlitz needed to digitize their instructor-led methodology. Berlitz methodology and brand are based on delivering the best outcomes for students serious about fluency, which requires a very human centric experience. Its digital experiences had to replicate the classroom experience.

The company’s current method of filming instructors using traditional video production proved to be very costly, in both time and money. The video production was not efficient and couldn’t be scaled properly to meet the company’s growing needs.

Hour One’s Solution


Berlitz converted itself to a state-of-the-art virtual video production company Hour One’s AI. Using Hour One, Berlitz created eight virtual human instructors. It was then able to convert text to instructor-led video, achieving rapid scale while preserving the human instructor experience.

This enabled Berlitz to extend its reach into new markets, and be more accessible to students, removing barriers of location and affordability.

The Results


After implementing an AI video process with Hour One, Berlitz created more than 20,000 videos in 4 languages and saved a whopping 1 full year of employee time.
Hour One provided the best of both worlds, allowing us to give students digital course options but without sacrificing the in-person experience we are known for. Hour One has figured out how to humanize the human-to-machine interface… at a scale and affordability that just couldn’t be done before.
Curt Uehlein, CEO, Berlitz

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