Alice Receptionist experienced 10 times more agility after implementing Hour One.

ALICE Receptionist’s motion-activated system welcomes your guests with friendly, intuitive messages and easy to use touch controls.


AI videos generated


More agility


Produced videos in 4 languages thanks to instant translations


Custom Assets

The Challenge


ALICE provides all the tools for interactive information. Using a touch screen kiosk, customers and guests can fully interact with a multitude of content. Common uses include interactive maps, web pages, and forms.

An ALICE virtual receptionist kiosk can help you save money while freeing your staff to do other tasks, thus reducing staffing costs and while still providing visitors with a personal touch. One person can manage virtual receptionist kiosks for multiple locations. Works for large and small businesses.

To meet client needs, Alice needed the ability to offer multi-lingual receptionists. Additionally, COVID-19 safety protocols required check-in procedures to be frequently updated, sometimes daily.

The Solution


Hour One technology allowed ALICE Receptionist’s customers to create and edit virtual receptionist content, automatically, in different languages, at low cost, quickly and efficiently making updates as frequently as needed.

The Results


ALICE’s virtual receptionists were now multilingual, customizable, and scalable allowing for real-time updates and a personalized customer experience tailored to different markets.  In addition, clients could meet COVID safety requirements to ensure the well-being of their visitors.

We were looking for a more efficient and flexible way to produce content at scale, without losing the life-like qualities of a real human subject…with Hour One’s technology, we could translate the same content into multiple languages, seamlessly, using the same receptionist personas, and offer a more smooth and agile product, and serve customers better in different markets.
Mike Yonder, CEO & Founder

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