What Types of Onboarding Resources Are Available?

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Onboarding resources are necessary because they help new employees learn the ropes and do their job. They can also help to build a sense of community among new employees. The right onboarding resources can help with orientation, compliance, productivity, retention, and culture. An effective onboarding program can position recruits for success. Here are some examples of good onboarding resources:

  • A guide to the company’s culture and values
  • A guide to the company’s computer systems and software
  • Information about the company’s history, mission, and goals
  • Tips for new employees on how to be successful in their role
  • An employee handbook outlining the company’s policies and procedures
  • Documents that explain the company’s benefits and how to register for them

Companies can benefit dramatically from using onboarding resources. These tools help new employees orient themselves to the company. They can learn about its history, culture, values, and goals.

Dangers of Ineffective Onboarding Resources

New employees may feel lost and unsupported and more likely to leave. Onboarding resources can help to reduce turnover and improve retention. Stats reveal that several employees are prepared to quit if their first day on the job is miserable. Using the right onboarding resources can help new employees feel comfortable and confident in their new roles. Employees can be more successful as a result. So, who is responsible for the employee onboarding program?

Four management areas take care of onboarding, notably:

  • Management
  • Executive management
  • Team Collaboration Initiative
  • Human Resources and Recruiting

The specific percentages will vary from one SME to the next. However, one usually finds that the Human Resources Department and Team Collaboration Initiatives take responsibility for the onboarding process. Overall, the burden of orienting the new employee to the company’s culture and procedures generally rest with the Human Resources Department. The orientation process should not be limited to the new employee’s first day on the job. The onboarding process should continue during the first weeks and months on the job.

Many companies use an onboarding checklist. These checklists ensure that managers take all necessary steps. Onboarding Resources are important because they help new employees learn the company’s ways of doing things. They can also help to build a sense of community among new employees. The right resources can help with orientation, compliance, productivity, retention, and culture. An effective onboarding program can position recruits for success.

Novel Ways to Introduce New Employees to the Company

It can be tough for new employees to engage with existing employees at first. But, with the right onboarding resources, everyone can get to know the new employees and help them feel comfortable in their new roles. Onboarding resources can help build a sense of community among new employees and make them feel more connected to the company. Onboarding resources can also help new employees learn about the company’s policies and procedures. An effective onboarding program positions recruits for success.

Sure, it takes time to put together the right type of program. But when these frameworks are expertly crafted, the onboarding programs can position a company and its workforce for success. Improved Return on Investment (ROI), enhanced employee morale, better retention, and higher engagement levels are natural offshoots. The objective of every onboarding program is to get the new employee up to speed as quickly as possible, and with the right resources, this is achievable.

Virtual Onboarding Programs

Nowadays, virtual onboarding is the way to go. Since the pandemic ravaged the world, virtual onboarding programs are replacing traditional onboarding systems at a growing number of companies. Technological frameworks facilitate quick and easy onboarding, with minimal hassle and maximum engagement.

Traditional onboarding processes tend to be limited to paper-based systems prone to errors. Expect 100% accuracy with virtual onboarding. Several cutting-edge virtual onboarding programs have evolved in recent years, notably the use of professional online videos created for human resource departments.

AI-generated presenter-led videos – hyperreal technology – are turning heads for several reasons. First, HR departments can enjoy all the benefits of professionally created onboarding videos sans the expense, complexity, and time constraints of similar efforts by videographers in studios. Virtual onboarding videos with synthetic characters are in vogue.

The top platforms use artificial intelligence to simulate a synthetic character indistinguishable from a real human. All that’s required is a well-constructed onboarding script to be uploaded. Then, a professionally designed, converting, and dynamic video can be created in multiple languages within minutes.

Steps for Making Virtual Onboarding a Success

  • Complement virtual onboarding programs with regular mail. These all-inclusive frameworks include an introduction, orientation, training, and welcome
    packages. They include all the usual knickknacks such as company pens, rulers, erasers, T-shirts, mugs, caps, and other branded merchandise.
  • Reduce in-house paperwork by switching to online systems. By reducing or eliminating the need to mail in papers (through online forms and applications),
    companies can streamline the entire process of onboarding new hires.
  • Focus on culture. Through virtual onboarding programs, company culture must be fostered, engendered, and promoted. It’s always beneficial when new hires
    get to mingle with existing employees to understand the inner mechanics of the company a little bit better. Whether this is done virtually or in-person is at the company’s
    discretion and the new hires.
  • Keep in contact with new employees. There’s nothing worse to a new employee than being thrown into the deep end with no help available. Management and
    supervisors, even fellow employees, should regularly check in on new hires to ensure that they have everything they need to do the job, fit in, and feel comfortable.
    There are many ways to do this, including video functionality, SMS, email, and telephone. Strike a balance between staying in touch and being bothersome.

Video Calls for Onboarding New Hires

Some companies use video calls to introduce new employees to the team. Video calls can be a great way to break the ice and help everyone get to know the new employee. They provide a window into the company, its policies, and procedures. HR managers are generally well trained vis-a-vis onboarding new hires via video calls. Follow these steps

  • Introduce yourself and the new employee
  • Explain the purpose of the video call
  • Provide orientation about the company, its policies, and its procedures
  • Answer any questions the new employee may have
  • End the video call on a positive note

New hires get nervous during onboarding. That’s why it’s important to allay their fears. One way to do this is by providing a video call that’s informal and relaxed. Video calls will help the new employee feel more comfortable and less anxious. Nowadays, managers are focusing their efforts on smoothing out the onboarding process. These programs can facilitate easy integration and a welcome introduction to new hires when done correctly.

Statistics suggest that as many as 69% of employees stay with a company for at least three years if the onboarding process is fantastic. Increased retention equals reduced turnover, resulting in improved morale and profitability. When the onboarding program is structured well, most employees are more likely to remain with the organization beyond three years. Never limit onboarding to one department or one individual. Onboarding is a company-wide endeavor; it includes everyone from top to bottom. Managers should take an active role in getting on board with the plan.

Final Take

In summary, there are many different types of onboarding resources, including traditional paper-based systems, in-person meeting greets, and virtual onboarding. In addition, we are seeing a shift towards online onboarding videos, particularly presenter-led hyperreal videos. Finally, by creating a positive experience up front, companies can wow new hires and follow up with all four stages of the onboarding process, notably orientation, role training, transition, and ongoing development.

Effective onboarding resources spend the full spectrum and include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence-generated content (AI), online or in person. Remember, ‘We don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression.’ That’s why companies need to put their best foot forward regarding these introductions between new hires and the company. In addition, a comprehensive onboarding experience offers companies many benefits, notably rapid proficiency, increased productivity, and greater employee retention. It pays to think outside of the box for all of these reasons!


· https://roundtablelearning.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-4-phases-of-onboarding/
· https://www.nytimes.com/subscription/corporate?Pardot_Campaign_Code_Form_Input=7HL9U
· https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/05/upshot/jobs-rising-wages.html
· https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=950254498786539
· https://www.cbsnews.com/news/deepfake-artificial-intelligence-60-minutes-2021-10-10/
· https://www.comparably.com/companies/viacom-cbs/joining-employee-onboarding

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