NEW: One-Click to Import Presentations

Hour One's Reals PowerPoint enhancement feature with AI-generated presenters

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Turn Powerpoint and PDF files into scene backgrounds for video

Nobody likes a dull presentation. Not its creators, and surely not the audience. But what if you could turn your old Powerpoints into videos really, really easily?

As part of our learning and development focus — and in response to your feedback — we’ve added a new button to Hour One’s editor that transforms any PDF or PowerPoint file into backgrounds for your next video.

We value your need for interesting, human-led presentations that keep viewers engaged. Now you can take your PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations, as well as .PDFs, and turn them into compelling, visually captivating presenter-led videos that will keep your audience listening until the final frame.

Create Compelling Presentations at the Click of a Button

To use the new feature:

  1. Click New Video
  2. Click on import your presentation and choose the presentation file from your computer
  3. Hour One AI presenter system will do the rest.

Your slides will be imported as the scene backgrounds, and you can begin pasting/typing in your text.

Users of the basic version can head over to test it out now with a 6-slide format, while Premium users can create unlimited lengths.

Hour One and The Future of Business Presentations

Under continuous development, most of the improvements to Hour One happen on the back-end. And yet this new feature is a small step towards our goal of completely changing the human approach to presenting ideas

The import feature is a useful new way to harness the power of video for corporate presentations, learning and development, internal education, and so much more:

  • Studio-quality appearance, polished
  • Perfectly worded: No umms, hesitations, or deep breaths. 
  • Easier for reader to digest
  • Future proof: Edit and update whenever, no studio needed
  • Highly scalable

Make use of virtual presenters and the latest AI technology to bring new levels of efficiency to your workflow and get the edge on your competition.

More exciting news to come, follow Hour One on LinkedInFacebookTwitter and Instagram to hear about them first. 

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