Shipping Connections created over 100 videos, averaging 3 new video a week and won more clients after adapting Hour One.

Shipping Connections supply full-service freight brokerage marked by attention to detail and dependable delivery.


Videos produced


Video created weekly


Increased training efficiency


Custom Assets

The Challenge


Shipping Connections training program was the business’s weak spot. The quality of its training was 100% dependent upon the trainer. Although the company tried to create a video training program with a tripod and a flip cam, it failed to create the quality of content needed quickly.

The Solution


With Hour One, the company finally found a solution that is easy to use and the people who run it are fantastic. Hour One offers incredible customer support and regularly meets with the Shipping Connections team.

Hour One has not only improved the company’s video creation process for training but has taken their team’s feedback seriously and implemented it into a very awesome product.

The Results


The company has created over 100 videos so far with Hour One. The Hour One product has allowed Shipping Connections to standardize its training so that each employee has an opportunity to learn the correct ways of taking care of customers and carriers. The work they are putting into creating these videos is “GOLD”, the priority is high, and they try to create a video daily. 

Moreover, Shipping Connections experienced an unexpected return on investment (ROI) with Hour One that went beyond their initial expectations, leading to its adoption across multiple departments. When a key client was considering ending their contract, Shipping Connections utilized Hour One to create a personalized video that educated their employees on the client’s specific shipping processes. The client was highly impressed with the swift service, personalized attention, and tailored video content. As a result, not only did Shipping Connections retain the client, but they also expanded their service offerings.

“We have lots of work to do. Once we finish with the beginner lessons, I’m excited to create the intermediate & advanced lessons. We will then get to work on a management video training program that will help the entire management staff to be the best they can be. I hear on the news about the dangers of AI and so it’s great to see new technology being used for something so positive. I would wholeheartedly recommend this product to any company looking to improve their training. I feel like we are just scratching the surface”
Jim Milligan, Board Chairman
Sam Thomas, President & CEO

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