Jewell Unlimited went from a development cycle of 5 days to a development cycle of 4 hours.

Jewell Unlimited is a learning agency that has a mission to empower people to feel better about work, to be better at working, and equip leaders to manage empowered people.


Videos produced in 6 months


faster video creation


Saw the ROI of each video increase by over 90%


Custom Assets

The Challenge


Jewell Unlimited’s challenge was that it was a small team who needed to create vast amounts of training videos for a client and the traditional model of setting up a video camera, using a green screen, and reading scripts was taking far too much time. 

Jewell Unlimited had six months to make 100 videos and it was unfeasible to do that the traditional way.

The Solution


Jewell Unlimited adopted Hour One with the hopes that it would maximize its capacity and the results exceeded expectations. The company no longer had to record and re-record when there were mistakes, or to spend hours editing the film to cut out those mistakes. 

The company could simply cut and paste their script into Hour One and it would come out close to perfect every time. All the team had to do as an “editor” was make a few adjustments when the character didn’t pronounce a word correctly (which was easy to do thanks to the guides provided by Hour One).

Saving the internal team days of work per video.

The Results


Jewell Unlimited’s results were beyond what the company had expected. It went from a development cycle of 5 days per video to a development cycle of 4 hours. Meaning each video was created 9 times faster than before, cutting the time of production into a fraction of what it was before. 

At the same time, by saving such huge amounts of time per video and dropping the financial burden of filming and refilming, the company saw over a 90% higher ROI on each video.

Hour One gave us the ability to maximize our capacity as a startup. We are now able to deliver custom learning solutions to our clients within just a few days which seemed completely impossible before.
Deb Puett,
Instructional Strategist

Maximize your results with minimum effort.
See how Hour One can help.

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