Engage Audiences with the Power of Virtual Humans

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Greetings and salutations, folks! Let’s cut to the chase. Imagine if your company could have a professional and convincing presenter telling your company’s story to your customers. Sounds impressive, right? Now let’s sweeten the deal. She’s gorgeous, eloquent, and devastatingly engaging.

Now, this is certainly an enticing prospect. Well, it’s 100% possible, thanks to AI-generated presenters. We call them virtual humans. Today, I will take you on a rollercoaster ride through technology central. So, buckle up; it’s going to be an unbelievable experience!

Making the case for a Virtual Storyteller

Digital characters can be virtual storytellers if they’ve got a great script to work with. I’ve had the pleasure of working with storytellers; many are natural and bland, while others are unreal and completely captivating. The trick – it appears – is to fuse an engaging presenter with a compelling story. That’s how you electrify the crowds.

Over the years, we’ve seen a paradigm shift in technology. Out with the old and in with the new. The presence of digital characters with engaging storylines makes it more accessible, more convenient, and more cost-effective for SMEs to engage customers. Watching it all come together is part magic and part mystique, but it works.

Many companies have taken their iconic avatars, products, or icons and breathed virtual life into them. Today, it’s all about dynamism. Movement, interaction, engagement. Storytellers can take many forms, including virtual humans and AI presenters. I’ve put together a list of 5 virtual humans, animations, and avatars that you may have happened upon in recent years:

Isn’t it amazing what technology can do? The more I read up about this, the more fascinated I am. As a business owner, I’m naturally drawn to innovation. Technology provides that springboard we all need to go beyond. When businesses get stuck, it’s time to think outside the box. Old school methodology tends to limit the adoption of new technology. Allow me to clarify.

An Idea for Your Company:

Imagine being able to boost engagement with your customers or clients with a professionally-created AI video. I’m not going to speak specific numbers because many variables go into it. Suffice it to say; you’ve got to get a great script together. Now, what if I told you that you could create compelling videos that are easy to make, flexible to edit, and animated by virtual humans?

If you hit the pause button, it’s probably costs and resources that are worrying you? But did you know that technological advances can create optimized outcomes at lower prices than traditional methodology? From previous Hour One AI blog articles, we already know that conventional video production costs can range from several hundred to thousands of dollars per day.

Costs include:

  • Concept planning (video type selection, outline, raw video, on-camera interviews)
  • Preproduction (create shortlists, interview questions, prepare equipment)
  • Video Shoot (on-site video production with videographer, technical expert, make-up artists)
  • Postproduction (logging raw video, script creation, video editing, wrap)

Bah humbug! Erstwhile technology is not for budget-conscious companies. Too many variables are at play, and it’s expensive to go the traditional way. I’m talking about AI video with synthetic media.

Quick & Easy Steps for Storytelling

  • Understand the story’s context – are you looking to implement changes, create awareness, change expectations, empower employees, or support a cause?
  • Select a persuasive visual – storytelling is much more effective when engaging audiences through media, including text overlays, graphics, charts, video, animation, and AI presenters.
  • Get rid of the clutter – when you are telling the story, cut out all the noise – it detracts from your story.
  • Laser-sharp focus – zoom in on what’s important. Get to the meat of the matter. Short, persuasive videos are best.
  • Tell your story – every story has a beginning and an ending, but it also has an aspirational element. That’s what needs to be conveyed to your customer!

Why Use Virtual Humans to Tell Your Story?

Surprise, surprise! The use of virtual humans in storytelling is not new. It’s been used for quite some time in movies and video games. And it’s easy to see why. They are incredibly realistic and engaging!

Virtual humans can help you connect with your customers on an emotional level. And when you do that, you can build trust and credibility – two essential elements of any successful business relationship.

What’s more, we can use virtual humans to create engaging content that is entertaining and informative. When done right, this type of content can go viral, giving your company the exposure to reach new heights. Finally, virtual humans offer a unique way to tell your company’s story. We can use them to create compelling videos highlighting your company’s products or services and its culture and values.

When done correctly, these videos can profoundly impact your customers, helping you to forge strong relationships that last a lifetime.

How to Find the Human Factor with Storytelling

Our ability to connect with the storyteller is rooted in the human factor. What is the human factor? When human emotions are evoked through storytelling, they appeal to our nature. It comes as no surprise that storytelling is the bedrock of human communication. We want a believable story to guide us from point A to point B. Sometimes, the storyteller can convince us to take a leap of faith!

That’s precisely what synthetic media is doing at scale. This easy-to-use technology is available at our fingertips. Now, your business can integrate authentic storytelling in your day-to-day communications with your customers, clients, stakeholders, prospects, and employees. Ironically, virtual humans allow for a genuine human-to-human level of communication. It’s the real deal, folks!

These storytelling skills are a topic for another time; but I will say, it’s all about connection. We want to create an engaging conversation with our audience through three channels:

  • Listening
  • Reflecting
  • Responding

It makes sense, doesn’t it!

Summary: Using AI Presenters for Storytelling

AI-presenters are the new virtual humans. These realistic and life-like computer-generated people can be used to create incredible videos for your company. The use of AI presenters is on the rise, and there are many reasons.

  • First, AI presenters offer a unique way to tell your company’s story. We can use them to create compelling videos highlighting your company’s products or services and its culture and values. When done correctly, these videos can profoundly impact your customers, helping you to forge strong relationships that last a lifetime.
  • Second, AI presenters are incredibly realistic and engaging! They can help you connect with your customers on an emotional level. And when you do that, you can build trust and credibility – two essential elements of any successful business relationship. You can foster an enduring relationship with stakeholders by building brand awareness and brand loyalty through an AI presenter-led video.
  • Third, AI presenters offer a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. Traditional video production costs can range from several hundred to thousands of dollars per day. However, AI presenters can help you create professional-quality videos at a fraction of the cost.
  • Fourth, Synthetic media can mass produce content for your company. That means you can create AI videos at scale. Each video generates a compelling, flexible, and engaging production. You can also enhance cost efficiency with the same virtual human presenting in multiple languages, thanks to multi-language functionality.
  • Finally, AI presenters offer a quick and easy way to create engaging content that is entertaining and informative. When done right, this type of content can go viral, giving your company the exposure to reach tactical and strategic objectives. If you’re looking for a unique way to tell your company’s story, look no further than AI presenters!

The Power of Virtual Humans for Attaining Company Objectives

Take a look around. The web is peppered with content supporting virtual humans in presenter-led videos. Many key industry leaders have weighed in on this topic. Take a look at what they have to say.

  • Virtual humans can help you connect with your customers on an emotional level. And when you do that, you can build trust and credibility – two essential elements of any successful business relationship. (Source: Harvard Business Review)
  • Virtual humans offer a unique way to tell your company’s story. We can use them to create compelling videos highlighting your company’s products or services and its culture and values. When done correctly, these videos can have a profound impact on your customers, helping you to forge strong relationships that last a lifetime. (Source: Forbes)

This future-oriented tech is here with us now. I would love to get your feedback on this fascinating topic. How would you like to implement synthetic media into your business communications? Please share your thoughts with our community.

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