AI and L&D: The Future of Onboarding and Upskilling Employees

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Adapting, upskilling, and reskilling staff to stay afloat in it is essential in the shifting technological landscape. Research shows that more learning and development (L&D) programs fail than succeed. The ‘forgetting curve’ — the time within which most information learned is forgotten — can be as high as 70%, with as little as 12% of employees claiming they apply a learned skill in their work.

How can managers beat this ‘forgetting curve’ and create L&D material that are fresh and engaging, while remaining cost effective? Hour One’s platform already had immense potential in this field. With the addition of the integrated PPT functionality, it’s time to leverage the learning power of video for your own company.

Why L&D Must Be a Top Priority

We’re experiencing a seismic shift in working environments. Most modern jobs today were non-existent 80 years ago, which will only change faster as the technological landscape progresses. Understandably, for 58% of companies closing skill gaps is a top priority.

Employee turnover is at a two-decade high, and L&D is the key to retaining good staff: 94% of employees are more willing to stay with companies that invest in their career. Lack of such investment is a top reason people seek new employment. Yet, less than one-third of new employees feel that their onboarding process was worth anything, let alone set them up to excel.

L&D Trends Every Employer Should Know

In any great firm, L&D has always been a priority. And in a post-pandemic landscape, the advantages of this approach really stand out. What trends are we currently seeing?

Modern problems require modern solutions, and you’ll need new and engaging methods to deliver your L&D. Here’s where tools like Hour One stand out, with a novel approach to keeping viewers minds engaged.

Since the pandemic, the world has seen increased focus on quality of life issues. Burnout and poor work-life balance is rising at an astronomical rate. People want employment that develops them as well as their career. They want to work in a culture of learning, for companies that allow for mobility within the organization, and where their development matters too.

Did you know that employees at nearly 16% of companies work fully remotely? Or that just under a quarter of the workforce would take a pay cut in order to stay remote/hybrid? The bulk of employees also believe that remote work is where the future of employment lies. It works for companies, too, with a 22% productivity boost on average from work-at-home workforces.

This is not just about core work skills. So called ‘soft skills’ like presentation, leadership, or effective communication matter too. This has been an evergreen L&D trend, but it’s worth relooking now, more than ever.

Science has noted a recent shrink in average modern attention spans, now clocking them at just under 8 seconds. Lengthy workshops and droning delivery achieve little. People need fast, accessible, and to-the-point delivery that gives them what they want to know. You can learn more about microlearning here. 

Smart and Effective L&D Strategies Every Program Needs

What does an engaging L&D program include? Let’s take a look at some key factors:

People thrive in environments where they are encouraged to learn. Staff retention can triple when people feel their career path is being nourished. And studies show that L&D investment not only discourages employee turnover, but even keeps staff in-house and motivated.

Productivity improves where staff feel invested in. Knowledge is becoming obsolete fast in the modern workspace, and moreso in some particular industries. Ensuring staff are upskilled and empowered benefits everyone involved.

L&D must begin as early as onboarding, and through all levels of the corporate hierarchy. Employees with strong career development paths and potential for upward promotion, believe that onboarding was valuable and worthwhile.

No efficient L&D program should need to repeat the same concepts. Instead, use formats that promote better retention and focus. Video near-doubles engagement and retention compared to other formats like text.

With these areas accounted for in your L&D efforts, you can expect to see your brand develop and thrive, as well as your employees.

L&D Challenges to Address

Not all L&D efforts are created equally. There’s some key areas in which older approaches may fail spectacularly. Namely:

  • Poor Leadership: If employees believe management doesn’t care, your efforts will be stagnant. Engaged leadership is a must.
  • Fear of Change/Generational Issues: Staff members can be reluctant to shift to new methods or technologies. L&D must speak to the experience and mindset of the learner.
  • Lack of Engagement/Dated: It’s been said oring L&D goes in through one ear, and out the other. Humanized programs with a focus on the learner are a must if you’re avoiding the creation of just another L&D program, instead of real change. SImilarly, outdated materials work for no one.
  • Lack of Consistency: Info-dumps and inconsistant L&D don’t work. Your aim should be consistent, focused programs that are integral to your corporate culture.
  • Inefficient and Unmeasured: Do you track learning retention? How do you know what works, or who needs additional help? Quantitative benchmarks are essential. 

Short microlearning bursts overcome many of these issues, while video formats address others. However traditional video production methods are costly, logistically complex, and for several people at a time — incredibly time consuming. Fortunately, novel AI tech now offers an effective alternative:

AI Allows L&D to Scale Productively

Slideshow-style L&D is already effective in delivering microlearning bursts, but not when the content doesn’t engage. What if you could rework this approachfor  cost-effective, easy-to-create presentations that speak directly to the learner?

Hour One’s PPT Solution brings L&D scripts to life, powered by realistic and engaging virtual human presenters. Your slides can now become immersive video backgrounds, delivering learning materials in a punchy and succinct way.

They can also be created at a fraction of the cost,and with scalability and automation for your L&D, it is nearly instant. No cast, cameras, mixing, green-screen time, or trying to manage schedules. Content can even be effortlessly updated as their contents requires refreshing.

Hour One: The Solution You Need

Hour One clients include some of the biggest names in media and elearning, including industry giants DreamWorks, NBC Universal, and Berlitz. 

Specializing in the development of virtual humans, with full human expressiveness, Hour One’s suite makes digital learning effortless: Insert your text, and Hour One can generate fully-produced videos within minutes.  

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